Hey everyone! My name is Carson Morby. I live in Utah and have a great passion for cooking, especially BBQ. Stay tuned to this blog for great recipe ideas for BBQ and other creations. My family lives on a small, urban farm, where we raise chickens, ducks, and quail. We get tons of unique eggs and meat, and love to share our ideas with the world. The inspiration for our name came from our love for egg dishes, and delicious BBQ. Here in Utah we aren’t exactly known for our BBQ, but it is something that the Utah BBQ Community is working hard on. We love our BBQ! What is great about Utah BBQ is that it is a melting pot of so many different places. We get people from all over the world leaving their footprint on Utah BBQ. We have people bringing BBQ from other states, and people contributing with flavors from different countries. I hope you all enjoy my take on BBQ, Farmhouse, and outdoor cooking.
Carson Morby
Yolk and Smoke